/ / / / Storr’s Monitor

Storr’s Monitor


  • Varanus storri
  • Captive Bred
  • Approximately 15 Inches In Length From Head To Tail
  • Gorgeous Spotted Monitors With Their Unique Spike Studded Tails These Monitors Are Truly One Of A Kind
  • These Are Fast Intelligent Hunters Feeding On Small Insects, Soft Meat, And Mashed Pinkie Mice As Well
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Storr’s monitor (Varanus storri) is a species of monitor lizard in the family Varanidae. The species is endemic to Australia. In captivity, this species can be quite active, making it a fascinating companion. They are frequently observed in desert trees in various regions of their range, but there have also been reports of them occurring in areas devoid of trees. Storr’s Monitors can reach a height of 40cm.

Storr’s Monitor for sale have straightforward captive husbandry needs and are amenable to conventional methods. Despite their preference for climbing and willingness to do so given the chance, they can be successfully housed in a terrestrial cage layout. They have a maximum ten-year captivity lifespan.

An enclosure that is 4′ x 2′ x 2′ aquarium may house one or two adults. In a space measuring 3′ x 18″ x 18″, one animal may be kept. Additionally suggested is a layered basking area. Using stacks of flat slate or ledge rock, create a layered basking area that looks natural. The lizards will exploit the spaces between to control their body temperature. They can reach warmer body temperatures as they climb the stack.

The enclosure should be kept at 30°C, with the basking lamp area being the hottest spot at 45–50°C. Since water will quickly evaporate in the enclosure’s high temperatures, it should be changed every day. To aid in the generation of vitamin D3 and the absorption of calcium, this monitor must have an extremely hot basking area with full spectrum lighting with 10.0 UVB.

These little monitors are mostly insectivores, but in the wild, they will also consume small lizards like skinks and geckos. They thrive on crickets, mealworms, wax worms, and silkworms when kept in captivity. Numerous pet stores carry calcium powders, which should be combined in equal parts with a multivitamin powder and sprinkled on food before feeding. Put your food insects and a little amount of calcium/multivitamin powder in a plastic bag, and shake until the food is thoroughly covered. Calcium shortage can be prevented by doing this roughly half the time you feed your monitor.

Despite the fact that monitors are normally timid and uneasy creatures, domesticated mulga monitors can become extremely docile and trainable with regular gentle handling.


  • Varanus storri
  • Captive Bred
  • Approximately 15 Inches In Length From Head To Tail
  • Adults Can Get Anywhere 11 – 14 Inches In Length From Head To Tail
  • These Are Fast Intelligent Hunters Feeding On Small Insects, Soft Meat, And Pinkie Mice 


  • Originating Out Of North Queensland Australia
  • With Proper Care These Animals Can Live 15 – 20+ Years In Captivity
  • These Animals Thrive In Hot Humid Conditions Living Near The More Tropical Areas Of Australia
  • Gorgeous Spotted Monitors With Their Unique Spike Studded Tails These Monitors Are Truly One Of A Kind




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