
Baby Hypo x Cherryhead Redfoot Tortoise is a tortoise crossbred from a Hypomelanistic (Hypo) Redfoot Tortoise and a Cherryhead Redfoot Tortoise. Here are some details regarding this hybrid: Appearance: The offspring’s appearance can vary depending on the specific features inherited from each parent. The Hypomelanistic Redfoot Tortoise has less melanin pigmentation than the ordinary Redfoot…

$224.99Baby Leopard Tortoise, commonly known as Stigmochelys pardalis, is a tortoise species native to eastern and southern Africa’s savannas and grasslands. Here are some facts about Baby Leopard Tortoises: Baby Leopard Tortoise for sale have a distinct and lovely appearance. Their carapace (shell) is smooth and high-domed, with a yellow to brown background hue. The…

$124.99Redfoot Tortoise for sale (Chelonoidis carbonarius) is a well-known tortoise with striking red scales on its legs and head. It is native to South American forests and savannas, including Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, and the Guianas. The name “Red-footed Tortoise” refers to the red, orange, or yellow scales on its feet and legs. However, the intensity…

$274.99The Horsefield’s Tortoise, also known as the Baby Russian Tortoise or Testudo horsfieldii, is a tiny species of tortoise that is indigenous to the desert areas of Central Asia, mainly Russia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan. Russian tortoises are classified as a species of least concern when it comes to conservation. To help with conservation efforts and…

WE HAVE A GIANT FEMALE GREEK TORTOISE #6 FOR SALE. HERE ARE SOME HIGHLIGHTS: Testudo graeca Farm Bred Approximately 9 Inches In Shell Length Adults Are Growing To Sizes Of 6 – 8 Inches In Shell Length Voracious Little Foragers Feeding On Fresh Veggies, Fruits FUN FACTS! Fantastic Tortoises With Golden Colored Shells And Greek…

$649.99Golden Greek Tortoise for sale (Testudo graeca sp.) is a relatively new contribution to herpetoculture. Before they became popular in the U.S. reptile market, the typical Greek tortoise accessible from importers was richly patterned, with a dark shell and skin. Depending on the place of origin, these ranged in size from 4 to 8 inches…

$499.99Greek Tortoise for sale, also known as the Testudo graeca, is a small to medium-sized tortoise found in southeastern Europe, including Greece, Turkey, and some Mediterranean islands. Because of its manageable size and appealing appearance, it is a favorite option among tortoise fans. The shell of a Greek tortoise is domed and has yellowish or…

Hermann’s Tortoise or Testudo hermanni , is a small to medium-sized tortoise native to Southern Europe. Because of its small size and appealing appearance, it is a popular pet tortoise. Here are some important characteristics and care considerations for Hermann’s Tortoise: Size: As adults, Hermann’s Tortoise have shell lengths ranging from 6 to 8 inches…

Ibera Greek Tortoise (Testudo graeca ibera), sometimes known as the Iberian Greek Tortoise, is a subspecies of the Greek Tortoise (Testudo graeca). It is indigenous to Spain and Portugal in the Iberian Peninsula. Here are some facts about the Ibera Greek Tortoise: Ibera Greek Tortoises grow to be medium-sized tortoises. Adults typically have shell lengths…

Juvenile Female Sulcata Tortoise for sale, also known as the African Spurred Tortoise or Geochelone sulcata, is a popular pet tortoise species known for its large size, hardy nature, and distinctive appearance. Here is some information about the juvenile female Sulcata Tortoise: Size: Sulcata Tortoises are one of the largest tortoise species, and they can…

$249.99Moroccan Male Greek Tortoise, commonly known as Testudo graeca soussensis, is a Moroccan subspecies of the Greek Tortoise. Here are some significant qualities and details regarding this tortoise: Moroccan Male Greek Tortoises are medium-sized tortoises with a rounded carapace (shell) that can grow to be 8-10 inches (20-25 centimeters) long. They have a domed shell…

$499.99WE HAVE AN AMAZING ZOMBENSIS HINGEBACK TORTOISES FOR SALE. HERE ARE SOME HIGHLIGHTS: Kinixys zombensis Farm Bred Female Approximately 5 – 8 Inches In Shell Length This Is A Smaller Species Of Tortoise That Generally Grows Up To 6 – 8 Inches In Shell Length Voracious Foragers Feeding On Dark Leafy Greens And Mixed Vegetables…

$129.99Russian Tortoise for sale (Testudo horsfieldii), commonly known as the Horsfield’s Tortoise or the Central Asian Tortoise, is a small to medium-sized tortoise native to the desert regions of Central Asia, including Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and China. Because of its manageable size, hardiness, and relatively simple care requirements, it is one of the most popular…

$99.99Speke’s Hingeback Tortoise for sale (Kinixys spekii), sometimes known as the Speke’s Hinged Tortoise or the Speke’s African Tortoise, is an East African tortoise native to Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. It is named after the British adventurer John Hanning Speke. Hingeback Speke’s Tortoises receive their name from the hinge-like moveable joint at the back of…