Showing 49–64 of 402 results

$399.99 – $449.99- Morelia spilota variegata
- Captive Bred
- Males And Females
- Approximately 17 – 19 Inches In Length From Head To Tail
- Adults Will Average 6 Feet In Total Length
- Feeding On Live Or Frozen Thawed Fuzzy Mice Weekly

$849.99 – $989.99- Iguana iguana
- Captive Bred Babies
- Approximately 13 – 15 Inches In Length
- These Lemonade Yellow Lizards Are Amazing And Easily Handled
- Feeding On Vegetables Such As Romaine Lettuce, Kale, And Carrots
- Originating From South Mexico To South America And The Caribbean
- Adults Will Get Up To Sizes Of 5-6 Feet In Total Length
- With Good Care And Handling These Iguanas Can Live Up To 15-20 Years
- Make Sure To Include Lots Of Branches, Foliage And A Decent Amount Of Hiding Places As Well As A Hot Humid Environment

$1,499.99Baby Albino Lemon Ice Tegu For Sale Can Be Naturally Found All Throughout South America Ranging From Argentina, To Paraguay And Their Neighboring Countries With Proper Care, These Tegus Can Live 20 – 25 Years In Captivity Grown-ups Will Average In Sizes Around 3-4 Feet In Length Living In Forest Edge Savannahs, And Rainforests In South America These…

$599.99- Python regius
- Captive Bred
- Male
- Approximately 16 Inches In Length
- Roughly 75 Grams And Growing
- Feeding On Live Hopper Mice Weekly

$599.99- Emydura subglobosa
- Captive Bred Babies
- Approximately 1.5 – 2 Inches In Length
- Adults Can Get Up To 10 Inches In Shell Length
- Feeding On Hatchling Turtle Pellets & Silversides

$324.99- Lampropeltis triangulum campbelli
- Captive Bred Baby
- Approximately 10-15 Inches In Length
- Can Grow Up To 2.5-3 Feet!
- Feeding On Frozen/Thawed Pinky Mice

$1,499.99Albino Purple Ice Tegu for sale is a color variation or morph of the Tegu lizard (Salvator sp.). It is distinguished by being both albino and purple in hue. Albino Tegus lack melanin pigmentation, resulting in a paler appearance and pink or orange eyes. The “Purple Ice” element could allude to a purple-hued variant or…

$499.99- Morelia spilota variegata
- Captive Bred
- Approximately 17 – 19 Inches In Length From Head To Tail
- Adults Will Average 6 Feet In Total Length
- Feeding On Live Or Frozen Thawed Fuzzy Mice Weekly

$1,499.99Baby Albino Tiger Ice Tegu For Sale Can Be Found Naturally Throughout South America Ranging From Argentina To Paraguay And Their Neighboring Countries With Proper Care, These Tegus Can Live 20 – 25 Years In Captivity Grown-ups Will Average In Sizes Around 3-4 Feet In Length Living In Forest Edge Savannahs, And Rainforests In South…

$3,999.99- Corallus batesii
- Captive Bred Male
- Approximately 20 Inches In Length
- Rare Species Of Emerald Tree Boa Known For Having Lots Of Bright White Patterning
- These Get Much Larger Than Normal Emeralds And They’re Highly Sought Out For
- Feeding On Live Fuzzy Mice
- Originating From South America From Southern Parts Of Brazil, Colombia And Venezuela Along The Amazon River
- With Proper Care These Boas Can Live Up To 20 – 30 Years
- Full Grown Adults Can Get As Long As 7 – 9 Feet In Length From Head To Tail
- Highly Desirable Due To Their Large Size For A Tree Boa And Extreme White Patterning
- This Fantastic Snake Has The Largest Teeth Out Of Any Non-venomous Snake Species, That Is Prefect For Piercing Through Feathers

$149.99- Alligator mississippiensis
- Captive Bred
- Too Small To Sex
- Approximately 10 – 12 Inches In Length From Head To Tail
- Adults Are Averaging Around 10 – 15 Feet In Length

$499.99Anery Red Tegu for sale is a specific morph or color variation of the Tegu lizard (Salvator sp.). It is characterized by its lack of red pigmentation, resulting in a more muted or grayish coloration compared to the typical red coloration seen in other Tegu morphs. “Anery” is short for “anerythristic,” which refers to the…

$499.99Anery Super Red Tegu for sale is a color variation or morph of the Tegu lizard (Salvator sp.). It is distinguished by a mix of anerythristic (lack of red pigmentation) and hyper red colouring. The term “Anery” alludes to the lack of red pigmentation in Anery Super Red Tegu. As a result, Anery Super Red…

$199.99Argentine Black and White Tegu for sale (Salvator merianae) is a big lizard species native to South America, notably Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and parts of Brazil. It is distinguished by its unusual black and white coloring, which lends it its name. Adult Argentine Black and White Tegu for sale can grow to be 3 to…

$249.99Baby Argentine Black And White Tegu (Jaguar Line) is a well-known big lizard native to South America, specifically Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Brazil. The “Jaguar Line” refers to a specific lineage or breeding project that aims to produce Black and White Tegus with jaguar-like markings or patterns. Baby Argentine Black And White Tegu (Jaguar Line)…

$299.99Baby Argentine Red Tegu for sale (Tupinambis rufescens) is a big lizard native to Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Brazil. It is also known as the Argentinian Tegu or the Red Tegu. Baby Argentine Red Tegu for sale gets its name from its reddish coloring, which is most noticeable on its head, neck, and upper body….